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Foggy Mountain


“Yahweh placed a very specific curse on the woman that causes her to always come under her husband and can be a warring action. What yields a servant for Yahweh’s making, and when will I yield a woman to carry governing placements? When I say.” —Yahweh


How about you, dear one? Do you ever wonder what Yahweh sees in today’s world? Does Yahweh care about women? Yahweh truly has a unique placement for how women are, yet He cannot allow the worship of any woman and have them placed above Yahweh as God. Adam made Eve his lowercase god by following her action of sinning against Yahweh. And so, Yahweh had to part the governing and place women under. Though Adam was created before Eve, and Paul gives that planning way in setting up how churches operate, the woman is not lowered in a warring placement without Yahweh's curse.

In times past, Yahweh has pushed outside of how the culture lowered the woman and governed her through a standing apart outside of that era. Even now, the Church stands with a curse and creation order, based on Paul’s view, but the Church Age will one day lead up to the Age of the Antichrist. And in that placement, Yahweh will prepare the world for His Kingdom ruling on Earth, removing all church placements. Let’s hear what Yahweh says. To keep Yahweh’s order as to what Paul wrote, Yahweh takes women outside and governs them, delivering His will without going against His Written Word.

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